Dark brown text on a light blue background with a pink mandala right aligned. Text reads "Yoga in the Welty Garden, Tuesdays in May 7-7:30 a.m., eudoraweltyhouse.com"

TUESDAYS IN MAY 7-7:30 a.m.

Bring your mats for Yoga in the Welty Garden Tuesdays in May from 7–7:30 a.m. These free, adult classes are led by certified yoga instructor Maya Morris, and each class will begin with setting an intention based on a quote from Eudora Welty. 

Mark Your Calendar

Wednesday, January 22
Monday, January 27

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, January 29
Monday, February 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 5
Monday, February 10

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13

Monday, February 17

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 19
Monday, February 24

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 26
Monday, March 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

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See you soon.

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