Mark Your Calendar

Eudora Welty loved to socialize, and so do we.

From live music on the lawn to Storytime on the Side Porch, and our big birthday bash each April, the Eudora Welty House & Garden hosts a number of family-friendly events, many of which are free. We also host virtual events, such as our #WeltyatHome book club series. For details, check our calendar below, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Events This Season

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Teaching with Eudora Welty's Correspondence 

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Follow Us @EudoraWeltyHouse

There’s always something new at the #eudoraweltyhouseandgarden.
