Blue background with pink mandala design behind text that says Yoga in the Welty Garden


Bring your mats for Yoga in the Welty Garden Tuesdays in October from 7–7:30 a.m. These free, adult classes are led by certified yoga instructor Alexia P. Hammonds.

Mark Your Calendar

Wednesday, January 22
Monday, January 27

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, January 29
Monday, February 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 5
Monday, February 10

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13

Monday, February 17

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 19
Monday, February 24

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 26
Monday, March 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

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There’s always something new at the #eudoraweltyhouseandgarden.


See you soon.

Ready to plan your visit? Reserve your tour? Start here.