Welty at Home text graphic beside photo of two Welty books in front of Welty House

Starting Monday, December 4, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Eudora Welty's short story collection, A Curtain of Green and Other Stories. Discussions will be led by Suzanne Marrs, professor emerita at Millsaps College and Welty's friend and biographer.

Please note that we will be referencing page numbers in the Library of America volume Eudora Welty: Stories, Essays, and Memoir; however, these works are also available in The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty.

If you received emails for previous Welty at Home book clubs, you are already registered for this free event and will begin receiving emails for this series weekly on Fridays starting Friday, November 24. Otherwise, please email info@eudoraweltyhouse.com to register and receive the emails with the Zoom links and recordings. 
Reading Schedule:

December 4: Introduction by Katherine Anne Porter, "Lily Daw and the Three Ladies," and "A Piece of News"

December 11: "Petrified Man," "The Key," and "Keela, The Outcast Indian Maiden"

December 18: "Why I Live at the P.O.," "The Whistle," and "The Hitch-Hikers"

December 25–January 15: OFF FOR WINTER BREAK

January 22: "A Memory," "Clytie," and "Old Mr. Marblehall"

January 29: "Flowers for Marjorie," "A Curtain of Green," and "A Visit of Charity"

February 5: "Death of a Traveling Salesman," "Powerhouse," and "A Worn Path"

February 12: The Collection as a Whole

Mark Your Calendar

Thursday, February 13

Monday, February 17

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 19
Wednesday, February 19

Thursday, February 20

Monday, February 24

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 26
Wednesday, February 26

Friday, February 28

Teaching with Eudora Welty's Correspondence 

Monday, March 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 12

Wednesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 26

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See you soon.

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