Brown serif text on whitish, translucent background says Heirloom Plant Sale Saturday, March 23, 9 a.m.. Background is a photo of Eudora Welty's front door with pick camellias in bloom.


Bring home plants divided from the Welty garden, plus specially grown old-fashioned plants from Eudora Welty's prose and era—many of which have become hard to find. This year, we are excited to debut certified clones of Eudora Welty's original camellias, an offering many years in the making!

Run by volunteers, this event is the only annual fundraiser to directly benefit the Welty garden and is offered in partnership with the Eudora Welty Foundation. Urban Foxes will be onsite selling coffee and snacks. Sales begin at 9 a.m. sharp on Saturday, March 23, and will continue until plants are sold.

"I wish I had a sign to tell me which I had better do that day, write or work in the garden." —Eudora Welty

Mark Your Calendar

Thursday, February 13

Monday, February 17

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 19
Wednesday, February 19

Thursday, February 20

Monday, February 24

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, February 26
Wednesday, February 26

Friday, February 28

Teaching with Eudora Welty's Correspondence 

Monday, March 3

Starting Monday, January 27, we will spend several weeks reading and discussing Jesmyn Ward's 2017 novel, S

Wednesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 12

Wednesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 26

Follow Us @EudoraWeltyHouse

There’s always something new at the #eudoraweltyhouseandgarden.


See you soon.

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